Do you need to obtain feedback from your visitors, staff or employees? Do you have a digital wayfinding solution? We have built a Survey Module for our digital wayfinding solution that will solve these problems and help you obtain invaluable information.

Hospitals are using surveys to find out if visitors and patients are satisfied with the experience they received when using the Wayfinding Solutions or with the overall Hospital experience. Reports can then be formulated and analysed to determine gaps and areas of improvement. The reports can then be submitted to upper management for further discussions and planning.
Surveys can also be used in shopping centres to survey customers about products and services. The survey responses can be completely anonymous or we can help you build a complete sales funnel from the survey lead captures. If you prefer for your visitors or customers to fill the survey online, we can also use our QR module to display a QR code so they can scan and be redirected to the online survey.
With our survey module, we can create simple customer satisfaction surveys to complex questionnaires with open-ended responses. If you prefer to use your own Survey solution on the digital wayfinding solution, we can also integrate this for a seamless solution. The possibilities with our digital wayfinding solution are endless.
Transforming the customer experience by involving the customer is the smartest marketing strategy any business can use and it’s not expensive! No matter what customer service issues you’re having, it all comes down to communication. Communicate with your customers in a simple and efficient way, understand what they want out of the experience, and then give them what they need.